Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dede's Sunny Dexter

Mom had to come to the difficult decision a week ago to let Dexter go home. He was having some really bad medical problems and hung in there as long as he could. Mom choose to have Dexter put down the same way I put Bently down. A lady came to the house and we all were there with him hugging and kissing on Dexter when she put him down. It was very hard for everyone there, but my mm took it the worst. I have never seen her cry that hard in a while and it broke my heart. On a higher note, Dexter is back home with mom now. She had him cremated and is in a beautiful box in a glass cabinet at moms along with his foot print. Dexter you are missed and not a day goes by that your not thought of. Love you Dexter and take care of Bently and don't get into to much trouble together. And remember, stay out of the fridge!

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